Hello! I am Alessandro

Welcome to my first website!

My Background

Since I was a kid I always had a lot of passions, such as cooking, drawing and many more, but one of them was different: informatics. Everything concerning it always attracted me, from the single hardware piece, to the most complex software.

I started at 6 years old to mess around with the computer, and I always tried to understand what was behind what I was seeing on the monitor. Growing up I graduated in IT and telecommunications, in order to improve my knowledge and, obviously, learning new things everytime: for me curiosity is the core of learning.

My passion for developing

Since the 1st year of high school, the concept of programming language caught my attention. Since I didn't have any knowledge about it, I started studying by myself. I started with the C language because it's the easier one to learn for a newbie.

Thankfully in the 3rd year of school, with the beginning of the IT course, the course for programming language started.

In the 4th year I got introduced to Java, which is still my favorite programming language, since, as an OO language, it's simpler to create complex softwares, while with C it was harder.

My passion for hardware, and gaming

Since I was a kid, like all my friends, I liked videogames.

When I was 14 years old, I noticed that I was pretty good at games. So I decided to assemble my first gaming PC.

After that I started to assemble PCs for my friends too, and for some stores as well.

My first job experience

My first job experience was at a company called Florence Consulting Group. I decided to go to university in order to study computer engineering meanwhile working part-time, then I received an e-mail from this company that had interest in me.

After my 6 months internship I decided to change everything about my life, by deciding to leave the university and starting to work full time. Then I started my apprenticeship in order to become a DevOps Consultant.